Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy sets out how "GSFUTURA IT SOLUTIONS" use and protect any information that you give to the Company when you use this website. "GSFUTURA IT SOLUTIONS" are committed to protecting your privacy. If, when using this website, you provide, or we collect, any information by which you can be identified, it will only be used in accordance with the guidelines outlined in this privacy policy. This policy is effective from July 3, 2013. "GSFUTURA IT SOLUTIONS" have the right to change this policy at any time. So, please check this document regularly if you are at all concerned about "GSFUTURA IT SOLUTIONS" and their handling of your personal information.

Personal information we may collect through the normal use of our website

We may collect the following information:

*Name or job title
*Contact information including telephone number, fax number, and email address
*Location information, such as zip / postal code

why we gather information

The following is what we do with this information:
*Internal record keeping.
*Use the information to improve our services or products.
*Although GSFUTURA IT SOLUTIONS do not send unsolicited mail, we may send an email to you if we feel you may be interested in a particular service or change in services.
*Periodically, we may also contact you for market research purposes using the information you have provided, such as, but not exclusively, email, phone, fax, or regular mail.

Your Security

We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have implemented and maintain suitable physical, managerial, and procedural actions to ensure the safety and security of the information we collect online.

How Cookies can be Used

If your computer is set to accept Cookies, a cookie "file" will be placed on your hard drive when visiting a website. The Cookie then collects information as you use the website or the internet and uses the information it collects to tailor the web experience to you. An example of this may be the Cookie’s ability to "auto complete" your name when typing it into a field on an internet form. We use traffic log Cookies for statistical purposes only. By viewing traffic log Cookies, we can analyze web patterns on our website and improve our website, thereby giving our visitor a better overall experience. Please be aware that cookies give us absolutely no personal information about you, nor do they give us any type of access whatsoever to your computer or any of its components or hardware. Most web browsers and applications automatically accept Cookies. You can turn Cookies off yourself, usually by entering the "Options" or "Security" area of your web browser or application. By turning Cookies off you may not get the full experience of the websites you visit.

Outbound Links

Any links pointing from any of our pages to other websites or pages are there as points of interest. Once you click a link, it takes you away from our page and we no longer remain responsible for your privacy or protection. This Privacy Policy is only binding while you are exclusively visiting our site. Although we use these outbound links to provide additional resources in good faith, we are not responsible for nor do we necessarily agree with the content you may find on these pages.

Collection of Information Options

You can stop the collection of your information by this website by not filling out any of the forms on this website's pages. If you have already filled out a form and do not want "GSFUTURA IT SOLUTIONS" to use your information for any reason, including emails and promotions, you can simply email us at We will never sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties, unless we have your permission or are required by the law to do so. If any information we hold is incorrect or misrepresentative, please simply email us at the address above. The Privacy Policy above is for both your (the browser or customer) and our (GSFUTURA IT SOLUTIONS) protection. GSFUTURA IT SOLUTIONS will very rarely send promotional email to anyone, and occasionally send information to their clients with whom they already have a working relationship. GSFUTURA IT SOLUTIONS will never sell, lend, or make public your information to marketers, solicitors, or the like. Simply put, GSFUTURA IT SOLUTIONS do not want to send, nor receive, spam.